Who knows Maple Farm Sanctuary’s animal residents best? The kind and compassionate people who volunteer their time to give these furry, woolly, and feathery friends the best lives possible!
We have volunteers who spend time in the barn, volunteers who manage our email newsletter, volunteers who lead weekend tours — you name the task that promotes compassion towards farmed animals and we’re fortunate enough to have amazing people who come from far and wide to cover it.
Recently we asked our volunteers to tell us about their special bonds with the animals of MFS. Read on to get to know the faces behind MFS, and then make sure to read Part 2:
“I was intimidated by Chivo when we first met, mostly because of his size, and those horns! He surprised me once by butting me gently in the back and I realized he just wanted attention, like my dog, or my kids when they were little. The similarities didn’t end there. Experience taught me to Chivo-proof the barn while I’m working. He’s been known to nudge open the gate and trot over to eat the chicken feed, or climb into a stall behind a volunteer and refuse to leave without payment (a grape or apple slice). I fell for it once, but never again. Chivo, I love you, but I am so on to you!”
“Lovey is missing the top part of her beak, so she has trouble pecking for food. It's heart wrenching to watch her try to eat! So I've learned Cheri's special way of feeding her small pieces of grapes by dangling them. If I'm not feeding her fast enough, she jumps up to reach my hand — just like a cat or dog! At Maple Farm Sanctuary, I've discovered what amazing personalities birds have! Look at her on her cute little tip toes!

“This pig is such a love, he comes when I call for him, he returns the affection that I give, and on occasion, he'll follow me around the back paddock.”
“I have volunteered at Maple Farm Sanctuary for many years but it wasn't until September that I got to meet and hang out with baby goats, Olaf and his sister
Sage. This was only made possible by mama goat
Wynvisa and the tireless work of Jim & Cheri. They have created a place of peace in a world of chaos and I and all of these very lucky animals thank them for it. Oh, and go vegan!”
“Maple Farm Sanctuary holds such a special place in my heart! Cheri, Jim, and the animals are like family. I love volunteering every week and it has been such a positive influence on my life. Gail is a retired dairy cow that is over 20 years old and she’s one of my favorites."
“I call Gwendolyn my best turkey girlfriend. She’s goofy and talkative and brave. I’ve worked for about three months to make her a lap turkey and finally succeeded. That was an incredibly happy day for me.”
"I never knew I would have such love for farm animals. I've always been a cat/dog person. I realize now I just never made a connection outside of house pets. I think I'm in trouble now!!"
Are you interested in joining this compassionate group of animal lovers? Whether you’re available for a weekly barn cleaning shift or you have professional skills that you could donate to the cause, find out how to get involved with Maple Farm Sanctuary today.