Maple Farm Animal Sanctuary - Mendon MASS
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Sage was born at Maple Farm Sanctuary on August 10, 2017 to mom Wynvisa. Sage and her brother, Olaf, had their names chosen by the MFS community, who submitted over two hundred suggestions and voted on the final options. Sage was born with another brother, Hyacinth, who sadly passed away shortly after birth due to a congenital heart disease.

At a local dairy goat farm, momma goat Wynvisa was going to be slaughtered for meat—despite being pregnant—because she was a carrier for a virus that can cause severe arthritis. Thankfully, MFS stepped in and gave Wynvisa her first chance to raise her kids. As a dairy goat, she likely birthed multiple other sets of babies that were taken from her almost immediately so her milk could be sold.

Sage and Olaf are growing up (quickly!) surrounded by the love of their mother Wynvisa, and the entire community of Maple Farm Sanctuary. They enjoy exploring their pasture and cuddling together.